An Introduction to Generative AI

November 6, 2023

Generative AI, also referred to as gen AI, is a hot topic. Students are trying it out to see if they can use it to write convincing papers, while companies test apps to see if they generate expertise that matches the best in their industry. Before you begin pushing out generative AI-produced content or presentations, take a look at this introduction to the technology.

What is Generative AI?

As the name suggests, generative AI is any brand-new material created by machine learning. It uses data from across the internet to produce something entirely new. It may be handled via algorithms or specific data sets, but it can create anything from text to photos, and videos to 3D renderings.

Why Is There So Much Buzz About Generative AI? 

Since ChatGPT and others like it hit the market, people have been curious. Some of the curiosity may have been fueled by a fear that an AI tool could mimic high levels of expertise or replace critical jobs. Students and professionals quickly discovered that generative AI technology could create essays, write code, produce images, post on social media, and even write a poem.

The buzz also stems from the rush of other companies noticing the intrigue around ChatGPT and others like it and wanting to create their own AI tools.

Are There Any Drawbacks to the Technology?

As with any disruptive technology, there are promising potential advances, but there are concerns:

  • A generative AI tool pulls from across the internet to produce its analysis or expertise on a subject. This may include sources that would not be considered reliable or objective. It may not be able to remove the influence of bias, either from sources or from within its own data-gathering process.
  • Predictions may not be reliable. If generative AI tools are pulling from high volumes of data and creating predictions based on analysis, there is no way to know whether those predictions are based on good data without tracing every source.
  • There is an issue around copyrighting. When a generative AI tool scans existing art, implementing some elements of pieces to create an entirely new piece, the artist does not receive any credit or financial benefit from the tool utilizing their piece.

Will Generative AI Play a Role at Your Company?

As generative AI matures, the challenges will be addressed and this expansive and disruptive technology will offer growing benefits to companies.

As you decide whether it’s time to implement some AI tools to streamline processes or improve analysis, choose a partner that is ready to assist. Contact us at, and we will help you determine your best path forward.

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