How Multi Cloud Is Helping Businesses Overcome Supply Chain Issues

March 21, 2022

The COVID-19-related supply chain difficulties plaguing every industry have not left the tech sector untouched. From servers to semiconductor chips and other key hardware and devices, any upgrade to a data center or IT infrastructure has been affected by shortages. Given that there may be at least another year of shortages, IT decision-makers are realizing the importance of multi cloud strategies for keeping digital transformation on track.

The easy answer to keeping digital transformation moving in the right direction is, of course, the cloud. But many IT executives find that there are many unexpected hurdles when trying to move infrastructure to the cloud. Trying to move applications designed for on-premise operations over to the cloud can create costly and time-consuming obstacles. It is certainly not considered a quick-fix solution. Difficulties in areas like data protection, security, and governance, plus the different skill sets required for managing cloud solutions, can lead IT teams to determine that there are limited viable options.

Hybrid Multi Cloud Creates a Bridge

A hybrid multi cloud approach can help companies create continuous operations across private and public cloud solutions, enabling them to run existing applications on public clouds without the headaches and challenges of refactoring. The temporary solution may lead to a more permanent change as companies begin to measure the improved agility, cost savings, and streamlined operations it offers. Here are three ways multi cloud offers benefits beyond immediate supply chain remedies to improve environments for the future:

New Levels of Agility and Flexibility: When you implement hybrid multi cloud solutions, it enables application mobility throughout your on-premise systems and public cloud environments. The flexible nature of a hybrid multi cloud environment allows for on-demand access to elastic resources that enable your company to choose the right cloud for specific workloads without driving up overheads.

This approach allows your IT team to scale into the public cloud and then, once the pressure has subsided, to easily move them back to on-premise or to another public cloud provider. In other words, you can quickly adjust to meet customer demand.

Scale Seamlessly: Adding capacity to an on-premise solution can be an expensive and time-consuming process. Using multi cloud strategies to temporarily scale up requires little time and gives your organization the ability to determine what capacity is needed without shutting down solutions and performing a manual migration.

Streamline: The ability to apply the same data protection, security, and performance standards across public clouds and your on-premise data center is one of the key benefits of a multi cloud strategy. It minimizes the burden on your teams as they manage infrastructure and workloads, removes the need for teams to manage each individual environment, and enables application mobility between different clouds. It also reduces the amount of training and new skills required of in-house teams.

As your organization seeks to reduce the impact of supply chain challenges resulting from the pandemic, the right multi cloud approach can be a solution that not only helps now but also into the future. Contact us at to learn more about implementing a hybrid multi cloud strategy at your company.

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