Post-Pandemic Security: Tips to Keep You Safe

August 15, 2022

How’s your security posture in this post-pandemic era? It’s a question many companies are asking now as they assess where they stand after the initial scramble of the pandemic and how they can meet today’s needs while preparing for the future.

The first priority when companies went abruptly remote was ensuring connectivity, but as business moved forward in March and April of 2020, it became clear that security was the next area to be addressed.

If you’ve noticed your colleagues are on a more heightened alert lately, they’re part of the 48% of chief information security officers that are really concerned about a cyber security attack, according to a study called “2022 Voice of the CISO.” And while this number of concerned CISOs is a drop from the previous year’s report, the concern is still very real – the report also shows that there is a difference between how prepared they think they are and how prepared they actually are.

Getting Defensive

The post-pandemic world requires organizations to operate in new ways, as there is still some uncertainty remaining from the lockdown era of the Covid-19 pandemic. The uncertainties are tied to the vulnerabilities – some of which are known, while others that aren’t quite as clear-cut. For example, insider threats are still a hotspot that requires a closer look. There are also threats related to China and Russia, which are part of the political instability with these two nations that will likely drag on for quite some time.

But there is something that can be controlled, and it is related to human error. Holding users accountable for their actions still needs to be part of the post-pandemic security planning. This includes remote work situations and extending protection further than has been extended ever before.

In many situations, it is not the malicious intent of an employee that allows for a breach; it’s often a lack of adherence to company policy related to password protection or downloading cloud apps without going through the proper channels. Much of the security concern related to human error can be addressed through training that discusses security policy, such as why multi-factor authentication is being required for all devices and employees, for instance.

Partner With a Professional

Adjusting your security posture isn’t as easy as some might make it sound, especially if you don’t have the dedicated IT team that the bigger companies have. At, we offer a variety of services that are perfectly suited for this post-pandemic era. Knowing what technological solutions are going to work for your specific needs is vital, and that’s what we offer. There is no trial-and-error phase when you partner with us because we get to know how our clients operate and what new technologies will mesh with their current infrastructure to keep them safe and productive.

Our approach is to partner with the executive team as your interim CIO, which helps to develop your internal program, staff management, and hiring, as well as set IT strategy and budget, and more. Contact us at and learn more about how we can position you to operate at a safer and more effective level without technology-related roadblocks that stifle workflow.

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